Room:「Conference Room SAD」

SAD Update: V1.0.8.6b.

Speaker:K. Oide

(Date: 2000年 8月 21日 月曜日 8:31:45 AM)

Dear Users:

V1.0.8.6b is released:
1. The MAP element now supports a change in geometry:
4) Geometry
In FFS, define the function ExternalMap as


The second argument n is the position of MAP couting from
the beginning, which can be obtained using LINE["POSITION","name.m"]. The argument geo_ receives the
geometry of the beam line at the MAP element, in the
same format as LINE["GEO",n], i.e., {{GX,GY,GZ},{CHI1,CHI2,CHI3}}.The last argument pos_
receives the orbit length S at the element.
ExternalMap must return an updated list {geo1, pos1},
as { {{GX,GY,GZ},{CHI1,CHI2,CHI3}}, S} as the values at the
exit of the element.
{ {geo[[1]]+{1,0,0}, geo[[2]]}, pos+0.1})

By this extension of MAP, together with its support
of optics and emittance calculation(see, the INS element
is no longer necessary in most cases. The INS element
is now freezed and no further improvement of INS
will be expected.

2. A beamline with SOL elements is now handled consistently,
when its orientation is reversed. The BZ field at an element within SOLs has the same magnitude but a reversed sign,
when the orientation is negative.

3. A new keyword DROTATE is introduced in BEND to
simultate the rotation error. Before this change, the
rotation error has been recognized as the difference
between the saved value and the current value
of ROTATE, and causing confusion in some cases.

4. The linux version now assumes g77 version 2.95.2

K. Oide