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SubjectNon-relativistic tracking
Article No1043
Date: 2012/08/16(Thu) 20:40:50
ContributorDmitry Shwartz
Is it possible to use SAD' TrackParticles[] for low-energy particles (gamma ~ 1)? Are the fair dependences on energy used in tracking (including longitudinal motion) or usable for ultrarelativistic approximation only?

SubjectRe: Non-relativistic tracking
Article No1044
Date: 2012/08/21(Tue) 08:58:57
ContributorK. Oide
SAD does not assume ultra relativistic. All codes are written applicable for non-relativistic. It has been applied, for instance, for non-rel proton machines such as J-PARC.

> Is it possible to use SAD' TrackParticles[] for low-energy particles (gamma ~ 1)? Are the fair dependences on energy used in tracking (including longitudinal motion) or usable for ultrarelativistic approximation only?

SubjectRe^2: Non-relativistic tracking
Article No1045
Date: 2012/08/22(Wed) 03:50:46
ContributorDmitry Shwartz
One more question: are the so called "kinematic terms" (derived from non-paraxial approximation for large amplitude oscillations) are taken into account in tracking?

SubjectRe^3: Non-relativistic tracking
Article No1046
Date: 2012/08/22(Wed) 15:33:54
ContributorK. Oide
The so-called "kinematic terms" are included in the tracking, without approximation in DRIFT and BEND. In QUAD or MULT, they are also included, with approximation, which should converge when the parameter EPS -> 0, i.e., the number of slices in a component. Actually the computing time may become longer for EPS -> 0, so you will need some compromise.

> Thanks!
> One more question: are the so called "kinematic terms" (derived from non-paraxial approximation for large amplitude oscillations) are taken into account in tracking?