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SubjectSAD Update V1.
Article No11
Date: 2005/07/14(Thu) 11:07:01
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. The next version will improve the convergence of EMIT with spacecharge/intrabeam, especially when the emittance without INTRA/WSPAC is nemericcaly negative or very small compared to the minimum emittance.

2. A bug was found in tdput (topdrawer interface) to cause bus error.

The next version will come soon, probably before the next Monday.

SubjectRe: SAD Update V1.
Article No14
Date: 2005/07/15(Fri) 14:42:32
ContributorRelease Engineer
Uploaded as oldasad-, because CVS version tag for is already used for snapshoting CVS repository at 2005/07/08 07:35:51 UTC triggered by src/MAIN.f version bump

SubjectRe: SAD Update V1.
Article No15
Date: 2005/07/25(Mon) 09:42:51
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. More problems were found on the convergence routine of the beam envelope with intrabeam and/or space charge, which was more serious. It was serious when MINCOUP was given and the actual (vertical) emittance is smaller than that given by MINCOUP. As for the space-charge, it caused an artifact on the beta-beat.