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SubjectSAD Update
Article No1146
Date: 2014/01/15(Wed) 12:11:45
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. A bug found in tftrack.f to wrongly reset SeedRandom while multiprocessing.

2. The message for not expanding elements with CALC is suppressed in FFS function.

3. Handling of Listable attributes of Twiss/LINE arguments except the last one was wrong.

SubjectRe: SAD Update
Article No1147
Date: 2014/01/16(Thu) 16:16:31
ContributorK. Oide
> Dear Users,
> 1. A bug found in tftrack.f to wrongly reset SeedRandom while multiprocessing.
> 2. The message for not expanding elements with CALC is suppressed in FFS function.
> 3. Handling of Listable attributes of Twiss/LINE arguments except the last one was wrong.

4. There is one more correction: A bug was found in TransferMatrix function when det|R|>1 . This is in driving matrix from Twiss parameters, and the optics calculation itself seems OK.

SubjectRe^2: SAD Update
Article No1150
Date: 2014/01/24(Fri) 11:33:14
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

As for this |R| >= 1 issue, the current implementation of R parameters is strange, since their dimensions also change between |R| < 1 and |R| >=1. I am wondering a better way may be taken in near future.

> > Dear Users,
> >
> > 1. A bug found in tftrack.f to wrongly reset SeedRandom while multiprocessing.
> >
> > 2. The message for not expanding elements with CALC is suppressed in FFS function.
> >
> > 3. Handling of Listable attributes of Twiss/LINE arguments except the last one was wrong.
> 4. There is one more correction: A bug was found in TransferMatrix function when det|R|>1 . This is in driving matrix from Twiss parameters, and the optics calculation itself seems OK.

SubjectSAD Update
Article No1149
Date: 2014/01/18(Sat) 14:01:41
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. A bug was found in tfsolvemember to overwrite a list containing slots.

2. Modernized the arguments of tfslots.

3. Description of x-y coupling when |R| >= 1 has been added.

SubjectRe: SAD Update
Article No1152
Date: 2014/02/03(Mon) 08:42:50
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users:

1. A bug was found in optimize.n to protect VariableRange wrongly.

SubjectSAD Update MatchingAmplitude
Article No1161
Date: 2014/03/02(Sun) 11:57:22
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. The translation of MatchingAmplitude to k64 has been wrong. Corrected tffamsetup.f

SubjectRe: SAD Update NearlySameQ
Article No1175
Date: 2014/03/22(Sat) 11:20:03
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. Corrected a bug in the implementation of NearlySameQ for k64.