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SubjectSAD Update Bugs in MULT
Article No1201
Date: 2014/04/16(Wed) 18:38:48
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. Several users have pointed out strange behavior of the transfer matrix and tracking in MULT. There were two issues:
a) Convergence of the expression of z, R*6, and R5* components was poor when K1 -> 0.
b) There were a few bugs in the expression of the transfer matrix, especially in R*6 and R5* components.
Thus tracking is affected by a), and the transfer matrix (consequently emittance, etc.) is affected by a) and b). These bugs can be serious when there is a finite orbit through the MULT. This is a common issue both in k64 as well as the legacy version.

SubjectSAD Update More on MULT
Article No1254
Date: 2014/06/01(Sun) 08:01:31
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. The next version will use a better expression for dz in MULT. A single expression which is valid for all parameters range will be adapted. Routines tsolqu and tsolque are changed. Applied on both k64 and the legacy version. This part is coded using a new module tsolz.

SubjectRe: SAD Update More on MULT
Article No1255
Date: 2014/06/05(Thu) 06:22:32
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. Modified to avoid global module variables.

> Dear Users,
> 1. The next version will use a better expression for dz in MULT. A single expression which is valid for all parameters range will be adapted. Routines tsolqu and tsolque are changed. Applied on both k64 and the legacy version. This part is coded using a new module tsolz.