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SubjectSAD Update. V1. LINE["SIZE"], etc.
Article No434
Date: 2007/05/28(Mon) 08:54:31
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. The next version will handle some output data of EMIT and Emittance[] at MARK with non-zero OFFSET and fractional location. LINE["SIZE"], DISP B, and TransferMatrices, etc. calculated by EMIT and Emittance[] with the flag CODPLOT have been incorrect at MARK with non-zero OFFSET and fractional locations. Now it will be cured in the next version. There can be still improper cases when a MARK with non-zero OFFSET is located at the beginning or the end of line.

SubjectRe: SAD Update. V1. Bug fix.
Article No445
Date: 2007/05/30(Wed) 14:23:38
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. The previous change made a bug in Emittance[Matrix->Ture] to cause Segmentation Fault. It was fixed but still has problem with MARK with non-zero OFFSET at the beginning.

SubjectRe^2: SAD Update. V1. More bug fix.
Article No446
Date: 2007/05/31(Thu) 16:42:52
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. More bugs were found related to this issue, but not introduced recently. SIZE within SOL may have been wrong for a long time. Also in the case of a MARK that points to the outside of the line, SIZE referes either the beginning or the end of the line.

2. SYNCHROBETA(SYNCHROB) command has been out of order for a long time, but now it has been revived. A SAD function will be prepared for this command later.