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SubjectSAD Update. V1. Mysterious behavior.
Article No529
Date: 2008/02/08(Fri) 19:51:53
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users,

1. Strange behavior has been found in some programs which use KEKB-EPICS and Tkinter graphics on a PowerPC machine to make ToExpression to some mysterious infinite loop. This may be related to the previous change in the syntac with Not, but the reason is not yet known. The tentatively checked in version somehow relaxes the symptom, but does not solve the issue completely. This has not been seen in other machines.

SubjectRe: SAD Update. V1. Mysterious behavior.
Article No530
Date: 2008/02/08(Fri) 21:45:52
ContributorK. Oide
> Dear Users,
> 1. Strange behavior has been found in some programs which use KEKB-EPICS and Tkinter graphics on a PowerPC machine to make ToExpression to some mysterious infinite loop. This may be related to the previous change in the syntac with Not, but the reason is not yet known. The tentatively checked in version somehow relaxes the symptom, but does not solve the issue completely. This has not been seen in other machines.

2. seems to be better.