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SubjectSAD Update. V1. ExternalMap
Article No87
Date: 2006/02/01(Wed) 14:53:02
ContributorK. Oide
Dear Users:

1. ExternalMap for TRACK has been passed the alive flag to the user, the seventh element of the argument, with False. This was somewhat confusing and inconvenient. It is now changed to pass True.

SubjectSAD V1. Source Archive
Article No89
Date: 2006/02/02(Thu) 11:30:03
ContributorRelease Engineer
oldsad- bytes)
  SHA256: d8e3fb6bddb469ce9c00dce3c6114c0b343637f0ea6638b34ebcfd8079027d6a
  SHA1:   96be1b63aa2557f16dd6fa32061815796e91eab8
  MD5:    8eb92837bcb2bf572fe0c42572dd8467