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Subject Re^2: SAD program memory allocation error
Date: 2014/01/12(Sun) 06:44:27
ContributorDavid Sagan < >

OK from where do I download the k64-1-6 branch? The "CVS Access" page does not give any information on this.

-- Thanks, David

> > Demin Zhou suggested I post to this list my problem. I am running SAD on a 64 bit Linux machine using gcc 4.6. I am not using X11, Tcl/Tk nor EPICS. No matter what input file I use, SAD bombs at the USE statement with a memory allocation error. An example run is listed below. Anyone have any ideas as to what to do?
> >
> SAD MAIN trunk assumes that malloc(3) returns 4GiB clipped virtual address.
> * Use k64-1-6 branch
> * Use 32bit executable(cross-build, virtual machine, ...)
> * Limit virtual memory address mapping(Modify kernel VM sub-system parameter or configure tuning knobs(if supported))
> * Use another memory allocation API with address space limitation if available
> For example, some operating system supports vendor dependent extension of 64bit mmap(2) system call
> for limiting address space into 2GiB region.
> Read src/sim/unix_memory_.c and mmap(2) online manual of your system.

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