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Subject SAD Update. V1.
Date: 2006/09/11(Mon) 09:18:18
ContributorK. Oide

Dear Users:

I hope this will be the last version number of the main trunk of SAD.

1. MAIN level variables EMITXE, EMITYE, EMITZE are defined to specify the emittance as external numbers, not from the envelope calculations in EMIT and Emittance[]. EMIT and Emittance[] uses the values as the minimum emittances. These are useful for calculations of proton machines or beam transport.

2. Internally space charge envelope calculation was modified. The previous algorithm of the space charge may violate the superperiodicity of a ring by the space charge, even without any machine errors. It was corrected.

3. The tick label in the plots now automatically uses exponential format, if adequate. It may be better than before in most cases.