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No. 875
Title SAD Update V1.1.1.5k64 SynchroBetaEmittance, etc.
Date : 2018/10/07(Sun) 14:13:32
Name K. Oide
1. Fixed some conflicting lines in HelpMessages.n for commit by svn or


1. Closed orbit finding by EMIT with NORFSW now finds out the orbit
with the initial momentum given at the entrance of the beam line, which
can be specified by DP0+CALC.

2. SynchroBetaEmittance function returns the projected emittances
emitxp and emityp. The returned value is a list:

{{nus, emitx, emity, emitxp, emityp, conv}, ... }

where nus, emitx, emity, emitxp, emityp, conv are the synchrotron tune,
equilibrium horizontal and
vertical emittances, horizontal and vertical projected emittances, and
the convergence, respectively.

3. The closed orbit finding in SynchroBetaEmittance or SYNCHROBETA
command has been refined to obtain more exact closed orbit for each
momentum deviation.

4. The option of ls for FileDialog is changed to -lnatL to follow
symbolic links and to show all invisible files.

5. Now a new variable Default$CanvasBG can specify the BG of the canvas
created automatically without explicit generation using Canvas
function. The default is "white".

6. Internal detection of NaN is modified to catch -NaN, etc., generated
by the compiled modules depending on the compiler. Some complier indeed
generates different NaNs depending on the routine, for instance, 0/0
and sqrt(-1) result in different NaNs.

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