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No. 906
Title V1.1.1.6k64 Thank you and have a happy new year!
Date : 2018/12/26(Wed) 05:19:30
Name K. Oide
Dear colleagues.

A new version has been checked in into svn and GitHub devel repositories. Several fixes pointed out by A. Morita, S. Yamada and others have been included. Besides them major changes are going on in tracking (classical spin tracking and radiation calculation) and emittance (a kinematical algorithm). This version will be much buggier than usual, so please do not use this seriously yet. We need more time to debug.

1. A bug in qsol to have used qcopymat instead of qcopymatg (pointed out by A. Morita). An acceleration in SOL by MULT has been wrong.

1. Use S. Yamada's patch on utils.c to avoid piling up of temp files. He saids that using a pipe instead of a file was better to receive results of shell commands, but it has not been included so far, due to a bad experience of mine on pipe in an old system, probably HP-UX.

2. DROTATE for BEND has been implemented in a more precise way without approximation, in both tracking and emittance/optics.

3. Tracking of classical spin vectors has been implemented. It is usable by TrackParticles with 8 variables under the flag POL. The 7th variable represent the phase angle of (s_x, s_z) and the 8th is s_z. s_{x,y,z} must be in the range [-1, 1]. These new variables are symplectic ones. Currently no algorithm like SLIM has not been implemented yet.

4. Added Nominal spin tune and Nominal polarization time to emitttance output. They are accessible by Emittance[], too.

5. Changed the algorithm to calculate radiation effects in tracking and emittance calculation by a kinematical method in all elements including fringes and multipoles. This algorithm can calculate radiations without knowing the detailed information on the field, and has been already applied to the tracking. However, several effects such as F1 of a dipole are not yet nicely included. It is under development and we shoud wait for the next year.

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