Block display

SAD Update. V1. ListContourPlot Name:K. Oide Date:2014/10/25(Sat) 19:29:25 No.6305

Dear Users,

1. (k64 only) A bug was found when the second argument of Partition is non-positive.

2. ListContourPlot now takes an option ColorFunctionScaling. If it is False, the value of the list is directly pased to the color function. The default is True.

Re: SAD Update. V1. Class Name:K. Oide Date:2014/10/31(Fri) 15:04:37 No.9975

Dear Users,

1. The definition syntax of Class is changed to avoid a crash when something like C=Class[{},{},] is declared by mistake. This change should not affect anything for a properly written program.

Re^2: SAD Update. V1. Class Name:Akio Morita Date:2014/11/14(Fri) 10:14:50 No.10076

> 1. The definition syntax of Class is changed to avoid a crash when something like C=Class[{},{},] is declared by mistake. This change should not affect anything for a properly written program.
手元の環境でのamorita branch上の検証では、
* gsから実行すると C = Class[{}, {}, ]の評価時に不正命令トラップが発生する
* sad*.exeを直接実行し FFSに入って C = Class[{}, {}, ]を評価するとGeneral::deepになる

(*1) C = Class[{}, {}, ]の評価時に、ClassのUpSetDelayed定義にループが存在し式評価が無限ループする
(*2) gsスクリプトでマシンスタックが制限されているため、SADスタックが尽きる前にマシンスタックが尽きている、もしくは、スタックオーバーランの結果メモリ破壊が発生している


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