SAD is a computer program complex for accelerator design. It has been developed in KEK since 1986. The major functions are shown below but more and more functions are being added. SAD has proven to be powerful and useful in designs, simulations, commissioning, and improvement of TRISTAN, KEKB, FFTB, ATF, JLC, NLC, ILC, JHF, J-PARC and others.

Structural Definitions of
Beam Line & Component

Optics Matching

Optical/Geometrical matching
Off-momentum matching
Finite-amplitude matching
Spin matching

SADScript Programming Interface
Mathematica Style

Built-in, system- and user-defined
functions for accelerators
SAD/Tkinter/KBFrame Tcl/Tk interface

Particle Tracking

6D full-symplectic tracking
Dynamic aperture survey
Synchrotron radiation

Nonlinear Analysis

Taylor map by automatic differentiation
Lie algebraic map

Emittance Calculation

6D Beam-matrix method
Anomalous emittance
Spin depolarization(SODOM)

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