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Subject SAD Update V1. LOSSMAP extension
Date: 2014/04/15(Tue) 14:04:29
ContributorAkio Morita

Backport LOSSMAP extension version 2 from amorita's Subversion repository
BFA revisions: 3048-3058/3091/3130-3156/3951/4133-4138

- Introduce LOSSMAP flag to output lost position/turn-number list
   as 8/9-th element of beam distribution
 - Support lost position/turn-number by beam distribution argument of TrackParticles[]
 - Extended beam distribution:
    {{x1,...}, {px1,...}, {y1,...}, {py1,...}, {z1,...}, {dp1,...},
     {flg1,...} [,{lost1,...}[,{turn1,...}]]}
   1 =< lost# =<  LINE["LENGTH"]: Lost at  lost# after TrackParticles[] entry
  -1 >= lost# >= -LINE["LENGTH"]: Lost at -lost# before TrackParticles[] call
  turn#: Tuen number of lost position if flg# is False
- Change kptbl table structure(New prototype: kptbl(np0, 6))
   kptbl(#, 1)  map from particle ID(#) to array index
   kptbl(#, 2)  map from array index(#) to particle ID
   kptbl(#, 3)  map from array index(#) to data block pointer(see src/tspini.f)
   kptbl(#, 4)  map from array index(#) to element number of lost position
                (  , -nlat): initial dead(unknown lost position)
                [-nlat, -1]: element number of lost position by initial
                          0: alive
                [ 1,  nlat]: element number of lost position by current tturn()
   kptbl(#, 5)  map from array index(#) to element number of lost turn
                (  , tbegin-1) : initial dead
                [tbegin, tend] : turn number of lost position
                [tend+1,     ) : alive
   kptbl(#, 6)  reserved

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