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Subject Re^2: Question on "porting SAD to WindowsXP"
Date: 2008/01/18(Fri) 18:43:23
ContributorAKio Morita

> Thanks for your help … I will look on the bulletin board to see what's available. I was finally able to build the SAD executable on Windows by making "stubs" of the modules in src/tfNetSemaphore_.c . The "benchmark" SAD decks (bench.sad and bench2.sad) run OK. When I run design_example.sad, the program bombs with a segmentation fault on the following line:
> dr:=FFS["OUT 'a' DRAW BX BY & EX EY {BQ}*; TERM OUT; TDR 'a';"];
> dr; ! draw optics of unit cell
> Perhaps SAD links to files using sockets (?) … I'll keep working on it.
I recommend to use symbolic debugger(gdb or etc...) and analyze process back trace.

DRAW command in FFS[] invokes CANVASDRAW function defined in Packages/CANVASDRAW.n.
(See also src/tffsa.f line 904-919)

DRAW commans's action depends to $DisplayFunction variable.
$DisplayFunction is defined at Packages/init.n.
>>$DisplayFunction=If[Check[System["/bin/csh -c 'which tdr' >/dev/null"],1],
>> If[Environment["DISPLAY"]<=>"",CanvasDrawer,TopDrawer],TopDrawer,TopDrawer];

In the case of $DisplayFunction === TopDrawer,
DRAW writes twiss parameters into the file ''a'' by using topdrawer format
and TDR invokes ''tdr'' external command which is called ''topdrawer''.

In the case of $DisplayFunction === CanvasDrawer,
DRAW invoke OpticsPlot[] function which displays optics by using SAD/Tkinter.

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