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Subject Re: SAD Update. V1. Fringe of Solenoid.
Date: 2009/12/31(Thu) 19:26:03
ContributorK. Oide

Dear Users,

1. There may be a factor of 2 difference. See below.

\section{Model of Magnetic Field}
We consider a longitudinal solenoid field with an axial symmetry:
B_z(s)= \left\{\begin{array}{lc}
0, & s<-f/2\\
B_0(s/f+1/2), & -f/2\le s \le f/2\\
B_0, & f/2<s
\end{array}\right.\ ,
where $f$ is the length of the fringe. The associated vector potentials for $s\le f/2$ are
A_x&=&-\frac{B_0y}{2}{\rm max}(s+f/2,0)+\frac{B_0(x^2+y^2)y}{16f}\left(\delta(s+f/2)-\delta(s-f/2)\right)\ ,\label{ax}\\
A_y&=& \frac{B_0x}{2}{\rm max}(s+f/2,0)-\frac{B_0(x^2+y^2)x}{16f}\left(\delta(s+f/2)-\delta(s-f/2)\right)\ ,\label{ay}\\
A_z&=&0\ ,
where the terms with $\delta$-functions are necessary in order to satisfy the Maxwell equations, while keeping the axial symmetry.

The fringe field has at least two effects, linear and nonlinear. The linear effect is caused by the first terms in Eqs. (\ref{ax}) and (\ref{ay}) that are linear in $x$ and $y$. We can expect that such linear effects can be expressed by a model with hard edges sliced along $s$, if the number of slices is sufficiently large. Thus here we concentrate on the nonlinear effects that are caused by the $\delta$-function terms in Eqs. (\ref{ax}) and (\ref{ay}).

Let us obtain the transformation associated with the nonlinear terms up to the first order of $B_0$. It is expressed as
\exp(:-f/2:)\exp(:-\delta:)\exp(:f:)\exp(:\delta:)\exp(:-f/2:)\ ,\label{trans}
where $\exp(:-f/2:)$ is a drift-back by a distance $-f/2$, and $\exp(:\delta:)$ is the nonlinear term at $s=-f/2$, etc. Then the transformation (\ref{trans}) is approximated as
\end{pmatrix}\ ,\label{apptrans}
where $b\equiv B_0/(B\rho)$, up to the first order of $B_0$. The transformation (\ref{apptrans}) is expressed as $\exp(:H:)$ with a Hamiltonian:
H=-\frac{b}{8p^2}(xp_y-yp_x)(xp_x+yp_y)\ .\label{hami}

To solve Eq.~{\ref{hami}), it is convenient to use another set of variables:
r\\ p_r\\ \varphi\\ p_\varphi\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}
\log(x^2+y^2)/2\\xp_x+yp_y \\
xp_y-yp_x\end{pmatrix}\ ,
which is generated by a generating function:
G(x,p_r,y,p_\varphi)=\frac{\log(x^2+y^2)}{2}p_r+\tan^{-1}\left(\frac{y}{x}\right)p_\varphi\ .
Then the Hamiltonian (\ref{hami}) is rewritten as
H=-\frac{b}{8p^2}p_\varphi p_r\ .\label{hami1}

The transformation with (\ref{hami1}) is simply written as:
r_1\\ \varphi_1 \end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}r_0-bp_\varphi/8p^2\\ \varphi_0-bp_r/8p^2\end{pmatrix}\ ,
where $p_r$ and $p_\varphi$ are constant.

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