References for SAD:

  1. K.Oide and H.Koiso,Anomalous equilibrium emittance due to chromaticity in electron storage rings, Phys.Rev. E49, 4474 (1994).ハ
  2. K.Ohmi, K.Hirata and K.Oide, From the beam-envelope matrix to synchrotron-radiation integrals,Phys.Rev.E49, 751 (1994).ハ
  3. K.Hirata, An introduction to SAD, Second Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop, CERN 88-04 (1988).
  4. K.Oide and H.Koiso, Dynamic aperture of electron storage rings with noninterleaved sextupoles, Phys.Rev.E47, 2010 (1993).
  5. K.Oide, Synchrotron-Radiation Limit on the Focusing of Electron Beams, Phys.Rev. Lett.61, 1713 (1988).
  6. 生出勝宣、ビーム力学入門、JLC-FFIR92研究会講義録・研究報告集、田内利明、山本昇編集、KEK Proceedings 93-6 (1993).

The SADdists:

A brief history of SAD:

  1. 1986: A project was started by K. Hirata, S. Kamada, K. Oide, N. Yamamoto, and K. Yokoya to develope a new code for accelerator design.
  2. 1987: The first version of the new code ran on HITAC, with Lie methods, 6D tracking, and emittance calculation with beam matrix, under MAIN level.
  3. 1988: An optics matching code FFS was installed. Applied for NLC/FFTB final focus system at SLACVM. The naming SAD was established.
  4. 1989: FFS was modified to design a periodic optics. The initial version of KEKB ring was designed with SAD.
  5. 1990: FFS was extended to x-y coupled optics with solenoid. FFS/COR orbit correction system was developed.
  6. 1992: A spin calculation SODOM was first developed and linked with SAD.
  7. 1993: Ahsad workstations started with four HP735/755s to separate SAD from HITAC.
  8. 1994: Mathematica-style functions were introduced to FFS. TRISTAN started to use SAD for regular operation.
  9. 1995: Acsad server started with DEC8000(7 CPUs). Taylor map, beam-beam was linked to SAD.
  10. 1996: EPICS was first linked to SAD for KEKB control. Parallel processing was extensively used in tracking and optics matching.
  11. 1997: Python and Tkinter were embedded in SAD/FFS. A few GUI libraries was built with them. Acsad was upgraded to 10 CPUs.
  12. 1998: SAD/KBFrame has been applied for commissioning of KEKB Linac/Rings. Class function was introduced to support an object-oriented programming.
  13. 1999: SAD was exported to Linuc/LinuxPPC by the g77 compiler. Acsad4 (21264,3CPU) joined to the SAD cluster.
  14. 2000: Two Linux systems alsad1&2 joined the SAD cluster for the commissioning of KEKB.
  15. 2001: Acsad5 joined. Ported to Mac OS X/Darwin.

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